Facial Rejuvenation
Traditionally, facial acupuncture has been used to treat medical conditions such as sinus problems, TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia and Bell’s palsy. Facial acupuncture is also used to treat fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, and is a safe alternative to surgery or Botox. Cosmetology has also been a part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Because facial acupuncture is an extension of Chinese Medicine, it makes your skin look younger by making it healthier.
Body points are also used to correct underlying imbalances that may be
contributing to blemishes, redness, or dryness, for example. Also, facial acupuncture helps to release muscle tension in the face that can store negative emotions and contribute to wrinkles. At Luna Acupuncture, Sherri uses only the finest, highest quality needles for facial acupuncture.
She also incorporates facial gua sha, jade rollers, and skin care products that are natural and contain Chinese herbs and essential oils to support your skin and its natural ability to heal and renew.